
We Cry Mercy!

Another look into the musical interests of a girl that goes by the name of Emily... or Shem (interestingly enough, since the ancient hebrew meaning is "Understanding Someone's Mystery") if you're of the Troutman clan.

Today (or tonight) I'm going to show you yet another band.

Now, in case you're wondering, I don't do this to promote bands. There are several that I absolutely love, but their songs don't really shake me up enough to talk about them in depth. Just to let you know...

So today I was driving home from school and I was listening to a cd that my friend had made me. She arranged it so very clever to so that the cd went from soft and loving to faster and more happy to fast and "angry". But the whole thing told a story. It's very cool I must say. But today I was at the end of the cd listening to a song called "We Cry Mercy" by Dear Whoever. Dear whoever is screamo band and I knew they were Christian and all but I never really listened to the words.. maybe because the music was just mediocre... But today was different.

Today I was listening to the song and all of the sudden I just caught a line of the song that goes, "Armour of God protect us as we cry Mercy give us Mercy."

Basically, at that point, I got shivers. I think what attracts me to screamo music is the pure passion/insanity that is released in it. At every part that says "mercy, give us mercy", they're screaming. To me, it's shear desperation. Like when you know you're supposed to go dance but you're afraid to and you have all of this pent up energy that makes you want to explode and yell and scream and fall to your face and cry and then go run like 5 hundred miles. Thats the feeling I get when I hear these bands that I've mentioned so far.

So hear are another set of lyrics for you. Read them over if you wish. They are very, very good. When you read them, think of my generation... Generation "X"...

We've been broken falling out again.
I'll hold my armor close right there next to you.
We will stand, holding ourselves, I need you here and I
need your help
When I look around, there's no one beside me,
all I hear, is my breathing, from my chest,
I'm crawling around, searching...escaping...death... I
will not surrender
Grace bestowed on my heart when we cry Mercy, we cry mercy
Armor of God protect us as we cry Mercy give us Mercy
Grace so lovely pure and holy we cry Mercy we cry mercy
All I needed was you next to me, since this started,
I can't stop bleeding, it's all my fault,
I'll take the blame, you never left and you died for me
My hands are shaking, when I'm scared
All the death around, me help me
This is War
We're at war
Save us from war
Torn by the enemy ripped from my flesh and blood!


In Loving Memory...

About a week ago my Great Uncle Kent passed away in China. What was he doing in China? Well, he worked for the U.S. Government at the embassy doing electrical engineering stuff. He's travelled around the world making sure the Embassies always have power. Him and his wife, Sylvia, haven't lived in the good parts of the world either...

My mom told me a story about my aunt and uncle a few days ago that I thought was totally sweet. Hopefully I can get this right.... So, they used to live in Rwanda when the civil war broke out amonst the citizens. Well, they had evacuated everyone out of the embassy and there were a bunch of marines sent to protect the embassy, but my aunt and uncle had to stay behind to make sure there was power for the marines. So, during this time when the war broke out, there was no communication out of the country except for the marines but my aunt and uncle weren't allowed to use the military's communication, which meant that no one in our family knew if they were even still alive.

One day, the rebels took over a nearby orphanage and the marines had to go rescue the nuns and the orphans and bring them back to the embassy to be airlifted out.

Then, their son, my cousin, was watching CNN.. and who do you think was on tv? My aunt Sylvia. CNN was showing video footage of my aunt helping the nuns and the children get airlifted out. So, my cousin calls the entire family and they all watch in relief that my aunt and uncle are safe.

Then my aunt and uncle finally were able to call from the satellite phone the marines had and when my cousin asked if everything was alright my aunt told him that everything was great but there were a bunch of hungry marines at her table that were ready to be fed.

My uncle was halarious though.

Funerals, in my family, are unorthodox... SHOCKER! Usually, the speakers start with the people who are very serious and will make you sad and then end with the people that have all the funny stories about whomever just passed away.

One of my favorite memories of my Uncle Kent was at my great grandma's (his mother's) funeral. I'm pretty sure he was the last one to say something and when he was done, there wasn't a dry eye in the place.. due to excessive laughter.

He talked about how his mom would always be praying for his "cousin" Bruce. Come to find out that his "cousin" Bruce turned out to be his "brother" Bruce as well... That's right they were cousins and brothers at the same time.

We all should've known that this story was going to be told because Uncle Kent always loved to pull it out on unsuspecting people who didn't fully know the interworkings of our family.

So he tells everyone that his brother was also his cousin without any background info first.

So here's the background he gives us after he tells us the story of his cousin Bruce... You may need to read it over a few times to actually understand it.

-So my Uncle Kent and Grandpa Bruce were brothers.
-They have two sets of grandparents, one on mom's side and one on dad's.
-Grandpa on mom's side and Grandma on dad's side both die.
-Then Grandma on mom's side marries Grandpa on dad's side.
-They do this after Kent and Bruce's parents are married and have kids.
-So, by deductive reasoning, or something like that, Kent and Bruce's mom and dad are technically step brother and sister.
-Making all of their kids technically cousins.

This story is normal for my family, but for everyone else... It's a bit much. But that's how my uncle Kent was, not afraid to be funny.

So, no, no one in my family has an extra toe or anything like that. We like to say that we're just an American family with alot of funny people.

Next time I'll tell you who I get all of my different traits from. I figured it out one day, and I must say... My family is halarious.. I got it from both sides...

In loving memory of Kent Mackabon... You will be missed at all funerals and weddings alike.


Chuck Norris

So, Lately I've noticed a fascination in my generation with Chuck Norris. I think it's because we all grew up with "Walker Texas Ranger" and Chuck Norris always kicking the bad guys butt with a round house to the face. But it's almost strange to me how "popular" Mr. Norris is. It's hysterical actually. To show you what I mean, here are some of the many Chuck Norris jokes I've seen circulating the internet. I've edited them for content and language because, lets be honest, people my age do not have the best track record when it comes to being "clean"... I blame Britney Spears, stupid pop music. If you listen to it long enough it can make anyone go crazy.

Chuck Norris....

Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

To prove it isn't that big of a deal to beat cancer. Chuck Norris smoked 15 cartons of cigarettes a day for 2 years and aquired 7 different kinds of cancer only to rid them from his body by flexing for 30 minutes. Beat that, Lance Armstrong.

Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.

Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday.

The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

*If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.* (my personal favorite)

Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.

When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.

Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.

Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate an Indian.

The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris's fist.

If Chuck Norris is late, time better slow down.

Chuck Norris is not hung like a horse... horses are hung like Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris.

At birth, Chuck Norris came out feet first so he could roundhouse kick the doctor in the face. Nobody delivers Chuck Norris but Chuck Norris.

If you ask Chuck Norris what time it is, he always says, "Two seconds till." After you ask, "Two seconds to what?" he roundhouse kicks you in the face.

Heart disease may be the new leading cause of death in women age 45 to 65, but Chuck Norris is still the leading cause of death in men age 0 to 125.

Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did. (Kind of like how Ab Lincoln was born in a log cabin he built with his own two hands..."

Chuck Norris died ten years ago, but the Grim Reaper can't get up the courage to tell him.

Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life there.

Chuck Norris was going to spend a relaxing day watching television when one of those commercials for Trix cereal came on. Angered by what he saw, Chuck Norris spent the rest of his, what was supposed to be a relaxing day, punching every child he came across. He would then shout at them, “Trix are for Chuck Norris.”

What is the fascination with Chuck Norris? Maybe the kids just need someone to look up to but instead they end up mocking him for long periods of time... in love of course. But all of the "mocking" comes out as "CHUCK NORRIS IS AMAZING!" where you know that their halfway kidding halfway not. I don't understand what's so cool I guess, but the jokes are pretty funny.

That is my humerous blog for the week. Maybe I'll end up writing a serious blog one of these days. Or maybe not, we'll see how it goes.


But why???

I'm here to offer you the mysteries of life.. Most of which are totally random.

- Why does the Collesium have the Canadian flag in the middle of the washington state flag and the American flag.. I thought we were in America... Sure, hockey originated in Canada or something like that but did the Expo's (montreal professional baseball team) or the Blue Jays (toronto baseball team) have the American flag in the middle? I don't know.. It's just a mystery of life.

- Why are the weathermen almost always wrong yet dependable? You can basically plan your day around the weather if you think in opposites. If the guy on the tube says they'll be thunderstorms, forget the umbrella at home (unless you're a satanist-Ghost World reference.. stupid movie) because it's going to be a beautiful day! If the man is telling you that it'll be sunny and warm, make sure to bring a jacket wherever you go and maybe a poncho because heavy rainfall is coming your way. Who knows why... I think the weather people should start reporting the opposite of what they think is going to happen, but it might throw off many people like me.

- Why is it that me and my best friend can have the best time in the world, sitting at the park for hours on end, just the two of us because no one else decided to show up? I don't understand it. You would think that we'd feel like losers because everyone loves to ditch us, but it's not so. We just sit there, in the same spot every time, comtemplating what the girl in the white dress was thinking when she went shopping for prom. Another mystery.

- Last summer at the boat races I noticed that many of the girls my age had a thing for not buttoning the first button of their shorts/skirt and then instead rolling it down to show their swimsuit bottoms.. As if to say, "Eventhough I do not a have a shirt on so you can see that I'm wearing a tiny bikini, I would like to show you that I have the bottoms to match." I'm pretty sure we're smart enough to realize that you're wearing a swimsuit from the top, no need to expose yourself to the entire world. It's not like unbuttoning the top button is going to cool you off anymore... I just don't understand it.- Gaucho pants.. that's all I've got to say..

- Why does the ketchup only come out of the glass bottles when you tap on the 57?

- Emo/Punk/Harcore guys who date preppy/abercrombie zombies... The only answer I've found is that they wanted to share pants.

- People in America have selective memory loss.. All I hear is how good our country was doing when Bill Clinton was in office, and then how bad our country is doing now that Bush is president... I don't know if they forgot about Miss Monica or how Bill didn't take out Saddam when he had the chance. Oh yeah, and by the way, in case you were wondering about the "useless" war on Iraq... Can you remember what NYC looked like before September 11th? Just wondering. And I'd like to thank president Nixon for showing us what would happen if we decided to pull out now. Really, I can't explain the phenomenon..

- Why do girls pick out prom dresses that don't flatter their body. It IS a mystery of life. When I was at the park with my friend, we just sat there and a horde of kids on their way to prom came and took pictures, while we sat there. There was a theme that ran through every group. No one looked comfortable in their dresses and they all looked fake. Except for this one couple. My bet was that they were more best friends than a "couple" because they looked so confortable, like they were used to dressing that way. They looked like they stepped right out of the 50's.. almost. Of course there was a modern punky twist on the whole thing, but it was pretty sweet. Are girls ever going to learn that certain dresses just aren't for them?

- Rap music, don't understand it. Well, not true. I get that it's a form of expression when done right. What I don't get is how most every rap song lies within about 5 categories: Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Guns/Violence, Cars. You're about to say, "Don't most genres of music lie within those general categories?" And I answer back with, "Yeah, sure.." The kicker is that most songs have ALL FIVE CATEGORIES IN THE SAME SONG! With 10 to 15 songs on a CD, you can see why I don't understand rap music or the people who like it. It's like listening to the same vulgar song over and over but they're "different" songs. Variety people!

- Canadian's don't like Americans.. Why is that? We give them money. We don't even correct them when they say that they're "Americans" too.. Oh wait.. Ha, got that one from my mom. Here's a great story to back this one up: When my family was in Canada, we were staying on Victoria Island. Well, this American nuclear powered ship was docked there and the people who lived there were protesting this ship.. just because it was nuclear powered. I'm thinking the people didn't fully comprehend the situation before deciding to protest because if they did, they would've realized that there were about a thousand or two American Sailors on that ship with American money in their pockets, which is worth a lot more than Canadian money, ready to fuel the Canadian economy. Smart people. Another mystery of life.

-Y2K... who came up with that crap in the first place?

- Why would someone want a split level house? Who come up with this idea in the first place? It wastes alot of space that could be utilized better in a different floor plan. Explain it for me please!

- People come from Mexico but don't learn to speak English. Yeah, America is the melding pot of the world, but English is the official language of the United States. Learn it so we can all work together without the translater.

- Rice Krispies.

- Lawn Gnomes.

- Passive agressive people. I don't understand them. I don't know how to deal with them. One of life's mysteries.

-Why do you get more hotdog buns in a package then hotdogs? Or is it the other way around. Personally, I like Steve Martin's explaination in "Father of the Bride."

- Why does the water go down the drain one way in the northern hemisphere and another is the southern. Well, I know it's due to gravity.. but why do they go that specific way? Hmmm...

- How can the writers of the book "Freakonomics," claim that the reason the crime rate dropped int he early 1990's is because abortion was legalized in '73? They "back their statement up" by saying that the people who wanted an abortion were the ones who were in the worst economic position so the babies that were not born would've grown up to be criminals and since they weren't born, the crime rate dropped. How could someone even come up with crap like that?

Those are all the ones I can think of right now. More to come later no doubt. If I bashed on someone, I didn't mean to, honest. I was only stating the things that confused me. It's true. If you think of any, just let me know.Have fun with that one.



I'm going through a writing dry-spell. I don't know what to say anymore. My blog has quickly become a music review, which was not my intention when I began (even though my first post was a music review). Maybe that's what I'm supposed to be writing on here. Maybe someone needed to find a sweet new band right at the time I posted about Blindside or Flyleaf or The Album Leaf. I've got no idea. I don't want my blog to be me typing empty words to all of six people.. even though they are six very special people.

Ok, well. Now I have a story to tell you that happened to me today.

First of all, if you don't know me, you need to understand that I'm halarious. Ha, and very humble. But seriously, I've been known to crack jokes at just about anytime. That's just a part of who I am. But when I'm at school, I'm totally different. I rarely talk or say anything funny unless I know someone in my class.

So I'm taking this "salesmanship" class, right? Funniest class I've ever had. It's so random and we do nothing the whole time. So what usually happens is we come in, sit at our round tables and talk to each other the whole time. Usually, I'm not doing the talking since I sit with three other guys who I don't know and who are also older than me. But there's this on kid who sits at my table who always talks to me and tells me jokes and in return I'll say some smart aleck remark back that isn't funny because it's not supposed to be.

Today was about the same, except today this kid was telling me riddles and then I would blow his mind with the right answers (too bad I had already heard them or I could be deemed "clever"). So after a while the other guys at the table want to hear some of these and then the topic turns towards getting carded at bars? What? Yeah, I don't understand the thought process. So they're talking about how women are always so happ to get carded because it makes them feel young. Then this kid, obviously underaged as well, turns to me and says, "So does it make you happy when you get carded in a bar?" and I reply, "Of course, since I hang out at the bar so much. I find it's easier to sell myself there."

I was obviously making a crack at our assignment for this week. We had to "sell ourselves" as a sales person. And being at a table with three guys, prostitution came up at least twice in a joking manner as I just sat there and said nothing.

But this time, I decided to give them a little taste of Emily. I caught the guy so off guard that I started laughing. He said, "Wow, I didn't know you were so funny.. You're always so quiet."

That's right, he thought I was quiet. Go ahead, laugh a little.

I'm a paradox.

I took a personality test and scored equally in two categories that are completely opposite. the bizzare thing about it is, I looked at the descriptions of both of them, and they both fit my personality to the "T". My sales teacher was bamboozled by it. No one understood it but me.. and my mom.

What you see is never what you get with me. Not because I hide anything, but because I'm multi-layered. "I'm taller than I appear." You never know what's going to happen next and yet I'm so predictable.

Get it?


I'm So Sick...



I just listened to them extensively, and all I have to say is "wow." They now share the space in my heart reserved for Blindside. That's a pretty big complement too, seeing as how Blindside is my all-time favorite band.

So, this is what Flyleaf is... A band. Five members. They classify themselves as "rock" which is pretty general for what their sound is. They sound to me more like a mix between metal and hard rock. Some screaming added in there. Oh yeah, and their lead singer is a girl. Amazing. First of all, girls just can't rock.. Coming from me, a girl who digs rock music, that's a big statement and as much as I wish it wasn't true.. it is, well, for the most part. Flyleaf is a HUGE exception. She sounds alot like Avril Lavrigne when she sings but with a harder edge. Her name is Lacey Mosley, and you probably wouldn't guess that the band that she sings for is christian. I mean, MTV has their video "I'm So Sick" playing on their rock count downs. That's only been achieved by a few other christian bands (Relient K, The Afters, Blindside, P.O.D.-except they don't want to be labeled "christian" anymore-). I didn't even know they were christian until a friend told me.. and even then I didn't believe it. So today I decided to check it out for sure. The first place I checked was their Myspace account. It didn't really say anything about it, so I checked the christian rock lyrics website.. BINGO! WE HAVE A WINNER!

Come to find out, they explicitely mention Jesus and God in alot of their songs.. I think the reaction would be funny if someone saw them on MTV thinking they were this sweet metal band and then hear "Remember you, Remember me, Jesus there in between, Jesus" come through their stereo after they bought the cd. I'd pay money to see that one. WOO YEAH!

As dark as they may look or even sound sometimes, their songs are beautiful. A perfect example would be the song "All Around Me" (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=45090343). The lyrics are all about worshiping God with the angels. I personally enjoy seeing how this band (Flyleaf) and Blindside can sound so mean or dark even but then have lyrics that describe worship in such a way that they would have to experience it first hand to be able to write about it. I've heard alot of mainstream contemporary christian music and it sucks compared. Lyrically wise, there's no depth. It's the pop music of christians. Can you say "Brittany Spears"? CAUSE I CAN! Seriously, when are contemporary artists going to start writing something with meaning? I still wouldn't listen to it because I can't stand that style, but I sure wouldn't rag on it as much.

Back to Flyleaf. The more I listen and read their lyrics (while I'm writing this), the more I love their music. It just keeps getting better and better. The lyrics - uplifting. The music - talented yet out of the norm. The band - edgy. Sounds like my kind of band.

Their official website is www.flyleafmusic.com and you can find all of their lyrics at www.christianrocklyrics.com/flyleaf.php .

Here's the video of "I'm So Sick"...

I so want to do something like that.. how cool would that be? This chick makes me happy like the prophetik t-shirts... That's another big compliment...

Oh.. I just found this.. This is a quick interview with Flyleaf. They explain all about their music and faith in this. It made me love them more...


What about Milo??

So... as shallow as this may seem, me and my friend have finally come up with an acurate scale to determine the levels of attractiveness.. Now i'm going to try to bring this around so its all deep and such but NO PROMISES! And if it doesn't amount to anything, I have a backup plan.

Okay, so now that we've determined that I am definately a social creature, who usually doesn't think in deep ways unless forced in an english class or unless I just feel extra creative that day, we (I) can begin writing about boys. I should be able to write alot about them because God knows that I can talk alot about them. I'm starting to think that's why I'm so picky, which to me is a good thing. I certainly don't want to be promiscious or anything like that. But back to the subject matter...

We broke it down into six different categories.. Ironicaly, six is the number of man or something like that. (Tom?)

So the lowest category is "Not-So-Cute." Ugly is a mean word. I don't know.. I wouldn't want to be called ugly. So we reserve "Not-So-Cute" for the guys who aren't so cute. Kind of how instead of check-out clerk they're called "sales associates"... Basically romanticising the whole idea of running items up for a customer and taking their money for hours on end.. Screaming babies, Rude men who are "in a hurry", and people who are just overly happy at the end of the day that make you want to puke. Sounds like a great job to me..

Number 5's are called the "Nerdy-Cute." Now, these people can be moved around alot depending on personality. Alot of girls like nerdy guys. I'm not sure why, it just happens though. They're kind of forgotten about sometimes, but not. Kind of like the quote from Elizabethtown when when Claire is talking to Drew (which is basically the whole movie, yet I still enjoyed it) and she says, "I'm easy to forget yet hard to remember." Except that makes no sense.. Maybe it was "not easy" to forget.. I don't know. Forget that. Next.


Group four... The "Cute" ones. Your average good-looking people. You wouldn't see them in a magazine anytime soon, but they certainly don't hurt your eyes to look at.

"Hott" is how we descibe the next group. Personally.. I don't care much for the hott ones because they usually know it, and then they become conceded and that's just kind of annoying sometimes. But since this is strictly a shallow-surface way of categorizing people, the hott people are at number 3. Otherwise I would've put them at the bottom. Number six for you.

YAY! The "Beautiful" people! Usually they're beautiful because they don't know it. Otherwise, they're just hott.. Yes, my friend and I decided that if we put a few select beautiful people (that will not be named for our sake... haha) in the same room together, the universe will implode on itself and God would laugh because he knew that he does good work. I mean seriously.. c'mon.. you can't tell me that Milo Ventimiglia looks that way because random bacteria randomly started to form millions of years ago and then by luck beautiful people were created.


So.. The number one group are called the "Model-Like." Again.. they usually know that they look much better than average and that can be annoying but you gotta give them props for being a step up from beautiful.

What do these six categories have to do with anything? Well.. One, don't be too self-absorbed because it can be potentially harmful to yourself when it comes to making friends unless you fall in with an equally self-absorbed crowd, then you don't make friends for life, you make friends for now because "self-absorbed" means self-centered meaning that when it comes down to it, they will be thinking more about themselves than you.Two, I just thought it would be stupid to have a one without a two.

If you have any thoughts on what I just wrote let me know. If you disagree... well.. I don't care, let me know how you think it should be arranged so I can laugh at you. No, that was a joke, I won't laugh at you. ha...

A good band you might think about checking out would not be Fall Out Boy but rather Copeland. They're a great band that could use a few more people listening to them here and there. And if you're interested in a sweet new band check out Flyleaf.. CRAZY band! way cool though, but I'm still getting into them. If I find out anything super sweet I'll definately write about it.

Peace out!